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Colette Talks About Supporting Clients with Behaviour Change

13th March 2012

Colette was supporting a client who was using drugs and alcohol.  Her dad had been an alcoholic and her mum left the family when she was very young.  She also had a brother who was using drugs.

After her dad died she took over the tenancy of what had been the family home for 30 years.  It had never been decorated or had a repair in that time so was in a bit of a state.

Colette visited the client on a weekly basis.  She has a lot of issues to deal with so Colette broke them down in to small chunks and dealt with them based on the clients need.

Colette supported her to attend appointments both medical and social, she would meet her at the hospital or at case conferences.  When they were at core group meetings the client and her partner would get upset when everyone was talking about their case.  They were at risk of Social Services removing the baby at birth.

Colette worked hard to get the housing to fix the repairs such as, fitting a new kitchen, installing a new boiler and getting the steps at the front of the house repaired.

Once the repairs had been done the couple started to redecorate and this is when Colette started to see a change taking place.  The client’s partner went into rehab and she stopped using drugs and alcohol.  They have kept their baby and would not have achieved this without Colette’s help.

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