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Being a Dad is not as difficult

23rd April 2012

Being a parent for the first time can be daunting….

Mohammed and his partner Leah are both under 19 years old and have just become proud first time parents to a baby girl.

Mohammed is a full time student studying sports, Mohammed said ” I was scared when I found out that I was going to be a dad, as I did not know what was expected of me to become a good dad”.

Pregnancy Outreach Worker Dee helped and supported Mohammed in making him understand what is entailed in becoming a father. Dee enrolled Mohammed onto Parent craft classes in order to help him understand how to bath and change a baby, how to hold a baby, the benefits of breastfeeding and much more.

Dee helped and supported Mohammed and his partner in various ways, such as; by practically taking them to their appointments in his car, enrolling Mohammed onto Parent craft classes in order to help him to educate himself in raising his baby to the best of his ability. Dee also helped Mohammed in finding a job by referring him to the Concorde centre which is a youth organisation, to help people with voluntary work.

Mohammed is a lot more confident in looking after his baby and is very proud to be a dad, Parent craft classes have increased his confidence and ability to become a dad. Mohammed said he can know tell his friends that being a dad is not so difficult.

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