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Black, Asian and minority ethnic Maternity Voices: we want to hear from you

18th January 2021

Do you have recent experience of maternity services? Are you from a Black, Asian or other minority ethnic background?

Maternity systems in Sandwell and West Birmingham are producing a COVID-19 Communications Plan, specifically designed to help them better communicate with women and families from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Now, Sandwell and West Birmingham Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is looking for service users to help co-produce the Plan.

Why is this Communications Plan needed?

During the pandemic, there has been a decrease in people accessing NHS services, including maternity services. However, it is vitally important for pregnant women and new parents, especially Black and Asian women, to seek help if they have concerns about their own or their baby’s health.

Evidence has long shown that maternal and perinatal mortality rates are significantly higher for Black, Asian and mixed-race women and their babies than for white women. And recently, it has been found that mortality involving COVID-19 disproportionately affects people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. Emerging evidence indicates that Asian women are four times more likely than white women to be admitted to hospital with COVID-19 during pregnancy, while Black women are eight times more likely.

This Communications Plan is designed to reassure pregnant women and new parents that seeking help from the NHS is safe.

How you can help

First, click the link below to download the Plan (Word doc).


When you have read the document, we would like to know your answers to four questions.

All questions are optional, so you can respond anonymously if you wish. However, if you would like to know more, or be more involved in producing the Plan, please include your name and email address where indicated.

When you’ve finished, press “Submit”, and your answers will be emailed to Che Maclaren, the Co-ordinator for Sandwell and West Birmingham MVP. You can also contact Che by emailing her at

Want to join the Maternity Voices Partnership as a Service User Representative?

Have you recently used maternity services in Sandwell and West Birmingham? Would you like the chance to improve women and families’ experience of perinatal care?

We are currently looking for Service User Representatives to join the Sandwell and West Birmingham MVP and help shape our maternity services for the better. Being a Rep could include coming to meetings (currently online), regularly giving feedback about local services, and attending focus groups – but you can be involved as much or as little as you like. Contact Che to find out more.

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