Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnerships Articles

Black, Asian and minority ethnic Maternity Voices: we want to hear from you

Do you have recent experience of maternity services? Are you from a Black, Asian or other minority ethnic background? Maternity systems in Sandwell and West Birmingham are producing a COVID-19 Communications Plan, specifically designed to help them better communicate...

Meet our MVP Chair: Chloe

In the summer, we welcomed a new Chair for our Maternity Voices Partnership: Chloe Cadby. The role of Chair is a busy one, and we're happy to say Chloe has thrown herself into it over the last four months! The Maternity Voices Partnership is made up of maternity...

Join our Maternity Voices Partnership and have your say

Our MVP (Maternity Voices Partnership) is still going strong, with the next meeting coming up on Wednesday 1st May 2019 at Stirchley Baths. The MVP is a team of people who meet to discuss issues related to maternity services in Birmingham and Solihull, based on their...