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Feedback Form

How did we do?

Please use this form to send feedback about a service or a member of staff, including compliments, complaints and suggestions. If you are pleased with the service you have received or want to thank a member of staff, we’d be especially happy to hear how Gateway has helped you.

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If you would like us to follow up with you, please add your email address and check it is correct. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose.
If the answer is "no" or you're not sure, choose "Other".
Comments sent via this form will be sent via unencrypted email and read by a member of our admin team, who will decide on the best way to deal with your feedback. Your message may be shared internally and used to inform or improve our services. We may not contact you again to let you know how the information was used, so if you want to be kept informed, please mention this in your message and be sure to check you’ve given us the correct email address.