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Families supported into jobs,skills and training -Brilliant outcomes for Birmingham

21st September 2012

After five years of working on a project funded through The Big Lottery we wanted to share our headlines.

“July 2012 was the final month for The Big Lottery – Family Supporters  contract.  Although it is sad to see a contract end it certainly should be a time to celebrate the wonderful outcomes that have been achieved.  The Project began by  building on existing training and employment programmes which were designed to support families.  When the economic downturn hit Birmingham there was a shift in focus – to tackle some of the barriers facing those that were unemployed.  After five years we supported hundreds of clients with varied needs.  Our aim was to reduce the inequalities in health, employment and training by supporting those most in need especially those lost in the system. 

In the past five years we have worked with 532 people on this contract, all in difficult circumstances and all wanting to improve their lives and the lives of their families. 

  •  128  found long-term paid employment
  • 219  joined a training programme
  • 95  became volunteers
  • 213 reported the support helped them with being more involved with community services
  • 165  gained new skills and qualifications
  • 160 said they were more likely to progress independently after being in the programme 

 The Keyworker team here at Gateway deserve a ”huge congratulations’  for not only achieving ALL the set outcomes by the commissioner but also to have achieved some wonderful outcomes that have really changed people’s lives.

 We are hoping that a recent funding application for an extension to the contract may be successful, watch out for an update ……


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